Table of contents
We provide two example files, smt-check-ex.maude
and smt-search-ex.maude
, to show the usage of the two functions.
In this file, we show the usage of metaSmtCheck
using various theories and formulas including interpreted and uninterpreted symbols. The file contains four functional module: SIMPLE
module simply imports INTEGER
module. The EUF
module defines a new sort A
and an uninterpreted symbol f
module connects interpreted symbols from the Array
theory to Maude operators. The EUF-XOR
is another example for uninterpreted symbol.
fmod SIMPLE is
fmod EUF is
sort A .
op _===_ : A A -> Boolean .
op f : A -> A [ctor metadata "smt euf"] .
fmod ARRAY is
sort Array{Integer,Integer} .
op _===_ : Array{Integer,Integer} Array{Integer,Integer} -> Boolean .
op select : Array{Integer,Integer} Integer -> Integer [metadata "smt array:select"] .
op _[_] : Array{Integer,Integer} Integer -> Integer [metadata "smt array:select"] .
op store : Array{Integer,Integer} Integer Integer -> Array{Integer,Integer} [metadata "smt array:store"] .
fmod EUF-XOR is
op _xor_ : Integer Integer -> Integer [metadata "smt euf"] .
As the modules EUF
show, we can declare uninterpreted symbols by declaring operators and annotating them as uninterpreted symbols using the metadata
attribute. For example, the uninterpreted symbol f
of EUF
is annotated with metadata smt euf
, meaning that the operator is an SMT symbol (smt
) and an uninterpreted symbol (euf
Another module ARRAY
show how to connect interpreted symbol to Maude. We also use the metadata
attribute. For example, we use the metadata smt array:select
to denote the interpreted symbol select
of the array
theory. In addition, we can connect a single interpreted symbol to different Maude operators. For example, we connect the select
to select
and _[_]
in the ARRAY
To use metaSmtCheck
, we need to import META-SMT-CHECK
module. Then, we can check the satisfiability of various formulas under EUF and Array theories as follows.
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('INTEGER, false), upTerm(X:Integer > 4), 'QF_LRA, true) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('REAL, false), upTerm(X:Real > 4/3), 'QF_LRA, true) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('BOOLEAN, false), upTerm(B:Boolean), 'QF_LRA, true) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF, false), upTerm(f(f(X)) === X and f(X) === Y and not (X === Y)), 'QF_UF) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('ARRAY, false), upTerm(select(A1, X) === X and store(A1, X, Y) === A1), 'QF_AUFLIA) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('ARRAY, false), upTerm(A1[X] === X and store(A1, X, Y) === A1), 'QF_AUFLIA) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF-XOR, false), upTerm(not(N === 0) and 0 <= N and 0 <= (N xor 255) and N < 256 and not (0 <= (N xor 255))), 'QF_UFLIA) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF-XOR, false), upTerm(0 <= (N xor 255)), 'QF_UFLIA) .
red metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF-XOR, false), upTerm(0 <= (N xor 255)), 'QF_UFLIA, true) . --- generating a satisfying assignment
The usage of metaSmtCheck
is similar to metaCheck
except that it takes an SMT logic and a boolean flag as its arguments, where the flag decides whether to generate a satisfying assignment for the satisfiable case.
op metaSmtCheck : Module Term Qid -> SmtCheckResult .
eq metaSmtCheck(M:Module, TERM:Term, LOGIC:Qid) = metaSmtCheck(M:Module, TERM:Term, LOGIC:Qid, false) .
op metaSmtCheck : Module Term Qid Bool -> SmtCheckResult
[special (id-hook SpecialHubSymbol (SmtCheckerSymbol)
op-hook unknownResultSymbol (unknown : ~> SmtCheckResult)
op-hook smtAssignmentResultSymbol ({_} : SatAssignmentSet ~> SmtCheckResult)
op-hook emptySatAssignmentSetSymbol (empty : ~> SatAssignmentSet)
op-hook concatSatAssignmentSetSymbol (_,_ : SatAssignmentSet SatAssignmentSet ~> SatAssignmentSet)
op-hook assnPairSymbol (_|->_ : Term Term ~> SatAssignment)
term-hook builtinTrueTerm ((true).Bool)
term-hook builtinFalseTerm ((false).Bool)
)] .
The check result is given as a term of sort SmtCheckResult
, which can be one of unknown
, true
, false
, or {_}
. The symbol {_}
consists of a set of assignments, where each assignment is denoted as a term _|->_
sort SmtCheckResult .
subsort Bool < SmtCheckResult .
op unknown : -> SmtCheckResult [ctor] .
op {_} : SatAssignmentSet -> SmtCheckResult [ctor] .
sort SatAssignment .
op _|->_ : Term Term -> SatAssignment [ctor] .
sort SatAssignmentSet .
subsort SatAssignment < SatAssignmentSet .
op empty : -> SatAssignmentSet [ctor] .
op _,_ : SatAssignmentSet SatAssignmentSet -> SatAssignmentSet [ctor comm assoc id: empty] .
We can run the smt-check-ex.maude
file with CVC5 using the following command:
~/maude-se-linux$ maude-se smt-check-ex.maude -s cvc5
The results are as follows.
reduce in SIMPLE : metaSmtCheck(upModule('INTEGER, false), upTerm(X:Integer > (4).Integer), 'QF_LRA, true) .
rewrites: 1
result SmtCheckResult: {'X:Integer |-> '5.Integer}
reduce in SIMPLE : metaSmtCheck(upModule('REAL, false), upTerm(X:Real > 4/3), 'QF_LRA, true) .
rewrites: 1
result SmtCheckResult: {'X:Real |-> '7/3.Real}
reduce in SIMPLE : metaSmtCheck(upModule('BOOLEAN, false), upTerm(B:Boolean), 'QF_LRA, true) .
rewrites: 1
result SmtCheckResult: {'B:Boolean |-> 'true.Boolean}
reduce in EUF-CHECK : metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF, false), upTerm(f(f(X)) === X and f(X) === Y and not X === Y), 'QF_UF) .
rewrites: 4
result Bool: (true).Bool
reduce in ARRAY-CHECK : metaSmtCheck(upModule('ARRAY, false), upTerm(select(A1, X) === X and store(A1, X, Y) === A1), 'QF_AUFLIA) .
rewrites: 4 in 1ms cpu (1ms real) (2619 rewrites/second)
result Bool: (true).Bool
reduce in ARRAY-CHECK : metaSmtCheck(upModule('ARRAY, false), upTerm(A1[X] === X and store(A1, X, Y) === A1), 'QF_AUFLIA) .
rewrites: 4
result Bool: (true).Bool
reduce in EUF-XOR-CHECK : metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF-XOR, false), upTerm(not N === (0).Integer and (0).Integer <= N and (0).Integer <= (N xor (255).Integer) and N < (256).Integer and not (0).Integer <= (N xor (255).Integer)), 'QF_UFLIA) .
rewrites: 4
result Bool: (false).Bool
reduce in EUF-XOR-CHECK : metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF-XOR, false), upTerm((0).Integer <= (N xor (255).Integer)), 'QF_UFLIA) .
rewrites: 4
result Bool: (true).Bool
reduce in EUF-XOR-CHECK : metaSmtCheck(upModule('EUF-XOR, false), upTerm((0).Integer <= (N xor (255).Integer)), 'QF_UFLIA, true) .
rewrites: 1
result SmtCheckResult: {('N:Integer |-> '1.Integer),{"_xor_" |-> "(lambda ((_arg_1 Int) (_arg_2 Int)) 0)"}}
This file provides examples of metaSmtSearch2
using gcd and robot examples.
mod GCD is
sorts GcdResult .
op gcd : Integer Integer -> GcdResult [ctor] .
op return : Integer -> GcdResult [ctor] .
vars X Y : Integer .
crl [r1] : gcd(X, Y) => gcd(X - Y, Y) if X > Y = true [nonexec] .
crl [r2] : gcd(X, Y) => gcd(X, Y - X) if X < Y = true [nonexec] .
crl [r3] : gcd(X, Y) => return (X) if X === Y = true [nonexec] .
omod ROBOT is
pr REAL .
class Robot | pos : Vector, vel : Vector, acc : Vector, time : Real .
sort Vector .
op [_,_] : Real Real -> Vector [ctor] .
pr ROBOT .
vars O : Oid .
vars CONST CONST' : Boolean .
vars PX VX AX PY VY AY PX' VX' AX' PY' VY' AY' T T' TAU : Real .
crl [move]:
< O : Robot | pos : [PX, PY], vel : [VX, VY],
acc : [AX, AY], time : T >
=> < O : Robot | pos : [PX', PY'], vel : [VX', VY'],
time : T + TAU >
if TAU >= 0/1 and VX' === VX + AX * TAU and VY' === VY + AY * TAU
and PX' === 1/2 * AX * TAU * TAU + VX * TAU + PX
and PY' === 1/2 * AY * TAU * TAU + VY * TAU + PY = true [nonexec] .
crl [accX]:
< O : Robot | acc : [AX, AY] >
=> < O : Robot | acc : [AX', AY] >
if AY === 0/1 = true [nonexec] .
crl [accY]:
< O : Robot | acc : [AX, AY] >
=> < O : Robot | acc : [AX, AY'] >
if AX === 0/1 = true [nonexec] .
op r : -> Oid [ctor] .
To use metaSmtSearch2
, we need to import META-SMT-SEARCH2
module. The following commands show how to perform rewriting modulo SMT.
--- gcd(10, I) =>* return(J) such that I < 9 and I > 0 = true .
red metaSmtSearch2(upModule('GCD, false), upTerm(gcd(10, I)), upTerm(return(J)),
upTerm(I < 9 and I > 0) = upTerm((true).Bool), '=>*, unbounded, 8, 'QF_LRA) .
red metaSmtSearch2(upModule('ROBOT-DYNAMICS, false),
upTerm(< r : Robot | pos : [IPX, IPY], vel : [IVX, IVY], acc : [IAX, IAY], time : CLK >),
upTerm(< r : Robot | pos : [NPX, NPY], ATTRSET >),
upTerm(NPX === 10/1 and NPY === 10/1 and IPX === 0/1 and IPY === 0/1
and IVX === 0/1 and IVY === 0/1 and IAX === 0/1
and IAY === 0/1 and CLK === 0/1) = upTerm((true).Bool), '=>*, unbounded, 1, 'QF_NRA) .
The first command searches for the 8-th solution term that matches return(J)
and satisfies the consition I < 9 and I > 0
, starting from an initial term gcd(10, I)
without folding under the QF_LRA
The second command searches for the first solution, with the QF_NRA
logic, that matches the goal pattern < r : Robot | pos : [NPX, NPY], ATTRSET >
and satisfies the consition NPX === 10/1 and NPY === 10/1
, starting from an initial term, where all its attributes are zeros.
The metaSmtSearch2
is similar to metaSmtSearch
except that it takes a logic and a folding flag as its arguments.
op metaSmtSearch2 : Module Term Term Condition Qid Bound Nat Qid Bool Bool -> SmtResult? .
eq metaSmtSearch2(M, T, T', COND, STEP, B, N, LOGIC, FOLD, MERGE)
= metaSmtSearchInternal(transform(M), makeConstTerm(T), makeConstTerm(T'), COND, STEP, B, N, LOGIC, FOLD, MERGE) .
op metaSmtSearch2 : Module Term Term Condition Qid Bound Nat Qid -> SmtResult? .
eq metaSmtSearch2(M, T, T', COND, STEP, B, N, LOGIC)
= metaSmtSearch2(M, T, T', COND, STEP, B, N, LOGIC, false, false) .
op metaSmtSearch2 : Module Term Term Condition Qid Bound Nat Qid Bool -> SmtResult? .
eq metaSmtSearch2(M, T, T', COND, STEP, B, N, LOGIC, FOLD)
= metaSmtSearch2(M, T, T', COND, STEP, B, N, LOGIC, FOLD, false) .
op metaSmtSearchInternal : Module Term Term Condition Qid Bound Nat Qid Bool Bool -> SmtResult?
[special (id-hook SpecialHubSymbol (SmtSearchSymbol)
op-hook failureSymbol (failure : ~> SmtResult?)
op-hook resultSymbol ({_,_,_,_} : Term Substitution Term Nat ~> SmtResult))].
We can run the smt-search-ex.maude
file with Yices using the following command:
~/maude-se-linux$ maude-se smt-search-ex.maude -s yices
The search results are as follows.
reduce metaSmtSearch2(upModule('GCD, false), upTerm(gcd((10).Integer, I)), upTerm(return(J)),
upTerm(I < (9).Integer and I > (0).Integer) = upTerm((true).Bool),
'=>*, unbounded, 8, 'QF_LRA) .
result SmtResult2: {'return['%%ubVar$9:Integer],
'%%ubVar$1:Integer <- '9.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$2:Integer <- '8.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$3:Integer <- '7.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$4:Integer <- '6.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$5:Integer <- '5.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$6:Integer <- '4.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$7:Integer <- '3.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$8:Integer <- '2.Integer ;
'%%ubVar$9:Integer <- '1.Integer ;
'I:Integer <- '1.Integer ;
'J:Integer <- '1.Integer,
'_or_[...], 26}
red metaSmtSearch2(upModule('ROBOT-DYNAMICS, false),
upTerm(< r : Robot | pos : [IPX, IPY], vel : [IVX, IVY], acc : [IAX, IAY], time : CLK >),
upTerm(< r : Robot | pos : [NPX, NPY], ATTRSET >),
upTerm(NPX === 10/1 and NPY === 10/1 and IPX === 0/1 and IPY === 0/1
and IVX === 0/1 and IVY === 0/1 and IAX === 0/1
and IAY === 0/1 and CLK === 0/1) = upTerm((true).Bool),
'=>*, unbounded, 1, 'QF_NRA) .
result SmtResult2: {'<_:_|_>[...],
'%%ubVar$10:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$11:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$12:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$13:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$14:Real <- '2/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$15:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$1:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$2:Real <- '10/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$3:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$4:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$5:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$6:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$7:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$8:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$9:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'CLK:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'NPX:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'NPY:Real <- '10/1.Real,
'<_:_|_>[...], 180}
In the current alpha version, the number of rewrites reported by metaSmtSearch2
is incorrect.
As we need to explore 180 states to find reachable state for robot example, we can reduce the search space by enabling folding as follows.
red metaSmtSearch2(upModule('ROBOT-DYNAMICS, false),
upTerm(< r : Robot | pos : [IPX, IPY], vel : [IVX, IVY], acc : [IAX, IAY], time : CLK >),
upTerm(< r : Robot | pos : [NPX, NPY], ATTRSET >),
upTerm(NPX === 10/1 and NPY === 10/1 and IPX === 0/1 and IPY === 0/1
and IVX === 0/1 and IVY === 0/1 and IAX === 0/1
and IAY === 0/1 and CLK === 0/1) = upTerm((true).Bool),
'=>*, unbounded, 1, 'QF_NRA, true) .
result SmtResult2: {'<_:_|_>[...],
'%%ubVar$10:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$11:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$12:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$13:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$14:Real <- '2/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$15:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$1:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$2:Real <- '10/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$3:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$4:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$5:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$6:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$7:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$8:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$9:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'CLK:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'NPX:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'NPY:Real <- '10/1.Real,
'<_:_|_>[...], 37}
The result shows that we could find the solution by exploring only 37 states.
Python API
Since we use Maude-as-a-library
to implement Maude-SE, we also provide the Python API for Maude-SE by using the Python implementation. For example, the api-test.py
file shows how to perform SMT search for the gcd and robot examples using the Python API. See our api-test.py
for more details.
import maude
from maudeSE.api import * # import our Python API
maude.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.', 'api-test.maude'))
gcd = maude.getModule('GCD')
init = gcd.parseTerm('gcd(10, I:Integer)')
goal = gcd.parseTerm('return(J:Integer)')
c = maude.EqualityCondition(gcd.parseTerm('I:Integer < 9 and I:Integer > 0'),
gcd_result = smtSearch2(gcd, init, goal, c, "=>*", "unbounded", 8, False)
The arguments of the smtSearch2
function are not meta-level terms.
We can run the test file api-test.py
using the following command:
python3 api-test.py
The result are as follows.
'#newVar$0:Integer <- '1.Integer ;
'#ubVar$1:Integer <- '9.Integer ;
'#ubVar$2:Integer <- '8.Integer ;
'#ubVar$3:Integer <- '7.Integer ;
'#ubVar$4:Integer <- '6.Integer ;
'#ubVar$5:Integer <- '5.Integer ;
'#ubVar$6:Integer <- '4.Integer ;
'#ubVar$7:Integer <- '3.Integer ;
'#ubVar$8:Integer <- '2.Integer ;
'#ubVar$9:Integer <- '1.Integer ;
'I:Integer <- '1.Integer ;
'J:Integer <- '1.Integer,'return['1.Integer],
..., 26}
'%%ubVar$10:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$11:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$12:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$13:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$14:Real <- '2/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$15:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$1:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$2:Real <- '10/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$3:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$4:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$5:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$6:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$7:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$8:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$9:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'CLK:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'NPX:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'NPY:Real <- '10/1.Real,'<_:_|_>[...],180}
'%%ubVar$10:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$11:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$12:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$13:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$14:Real <- '2/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$15:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$1:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$2:Real <- '10/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$3:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$4:Real <- '20/3.Real ;
'%%ubVar$5:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$6:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$7:Real <- '1/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$8:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'%%ubVar$9:Real <- '20/1.Real ;
'CLK:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IAY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IPY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVX:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'IVY:Real <- '0/1.Real ;
'NPX:Real <- '10/1.Real ;
'NPY:Real <- '10/1.Real,'<_:_|_>[...],37}
Module restrictions
Currently, we make several restrictions to rewrite rules and equations:
- Rewrite rules should not have non-SMT constraints in their conditions.
- Equations should not contradict or conflict with SMT theories.
- When defining and connecting SMT symbols using metadata, one should not use equational axiom attritues (e.g., assoc, comm, id) and the metadata attributes together.